Chlidanthus Fragrans
Chlidanthus Fragrans
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A delightful Amaryllis relative from Chile. Rare for its color and its sweet fragrance. 

It can be a shy bloomer and many have trouble getting regular blooms. However flowering can be a challenge, its not impossible.  The large, fragrant lemon-peel yellow trumpets are worth the trouble.

Chlidanthus really need frost-free or greenhouse cultivation to thrive in cold climates.  Zones 8-10 they are Ok outside. Good rich soil, free-draining but moisture retentive. Good fertilization will bulb build size and promote vigorus growth, this means good future flowers.  As the leaves yellow in autumn. Adding a smige of Potassium Sulphate will help initiate flower buds. Gradually dry the bulbs off. Store overwinter in a dry, frost-free place, re-start in spring in fresh fertile compost. High temperatures at the root will make them produce offsets at the expense of individual size. Thus in pots are best put in cool shaded areas.

Our bulbs just split so they are small  mixed size bulbs

Plant one inch deeper than the top of the bulb, the plant will pull itself down to the optimum depth.  Full sun to part shade, they don't thrive in full Arizona sun and are happier with a little afternoon shade.  Water deeply when first planted, then twice a mohesnth if your area doesn't get regular rain fall, thier foilage will start getting droopy/yellow if they need moisture. Well drained soil is very important make sure they are not in standing water.

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